SDSC-1: Seed Delivery Seed Counter


    1. Can count at over 400 seeds/sec with reasonable accuracy. This is fast enough to count corn as it comes out of the sheller. Under practical conditions, you can expect errors in the range of 5%, but this depends on the count speed. Ears that have only a few seeds will be counted more accurately than those with many seeds.
    2. Air delivery system raises seed to a convenient height, which you can adjust.
    3. Can automatically record counts in an Excel spreadsheet, with barcodes.
    4. Communicates with computer by wireless Bluetooth link. Comes with bluetooth barcode scanner.
    5. Cut mode that cuts samples to a given number of seeds. Can record counts for both the sample and the residue if any. Records any samples with less than required number.
    6. Can discard set number of seeds from beginning of sample to avoid kernels at end of the ear.
    7. Provides additional seed cleaning.

Width (mm) 530
Depth (mm)510
Max Height (mm)2550
Min Height (mm)2050
Compressed Air Requirement 33CFM@80PSI

PricingCDN $U.S $
SDSC-1 (110V/60Hz or 220V/50Hz)
Automatic Discharge

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